A recent survey conducted by IPSOS for Google revealed that Indian respondents hold a significantly optimistic view towards artificial intelligence (AI) compared to their global counterparts. According to the survey, 82 percent of the 1,000 Indian residents aged 18 and above anticipate AI to positively impact their lives in the next five years. Additionally, 70 percent perceive AI’s current influence as positive, primarily due to enhanced access to information.

Interestingly, twice as many respondents foresee AI addressing various developmental aspects in the next 25 years, with 77 percent believing it will aid in poverty reduction and 86 percent expecting improvements in transportation. Furthermore, 20 percent of Indians prioritize stimulating the economy through fostering competition, innovation, and growth as a top government AI initiative.

Regarding the impact of AI on work, 80 percent of Indian respondents expressed optimism about its individual benefits. This enthusiasm is echoed by respondents in Singapore, South Africa, and the United Arab Emirates. Notably, in India, 95 percent of respondents reported discussing AI in their workplaces, a significantly higher percentage than the global average of 65 percent. Additionally, India leads in the number of people viewing AI-driven changes as positive, with 52 percent globally and only 29 percent in the United States sharing this sentiment.

Regarding AI priorities, nearly half of Indian respondents prioritize a “safe” approach to AI, while a third emphasize innovation. Furthermore, 82 percent of respondents advocate for collaboration between the government and tech companies to drive AI development.

The survey, conducted between October 19 and November 6, 2023, by IPSOS for Google, included 17,000 adults from 17 countries, with respondents interviewed online via Ipsos panels.