
  • Level of Study: Bachelor’s degree
  • Year of Study: Entering first year or currently in the first year
  • Citizenship: Canadian
  • Schools Attended: Any school (yes, yours too!)
  • Field of Study: Open to all disciplines
  • Region of Residence: Across Canada
  • Course Load: Full-time or part-time
  • Financial Need: Not a factor


  • Scholarship Amount: $10,400
  • Number of Awards: One lucky winner
  • Renewable: No, but the memories are forever
  • How to Enter:
    • Request information from UNB website
    • Automatically enter the draw for free first-year tuition.

Contact UNB

  • Student Recruitment Team:
    • Email: chooseunb@unb.ca
    • Phone: 1-888-895-3344